Monday 23 June 2014

Men’s All Time Monsoon Fashion Mistakes

How many times has it happened with you that you are about to leave from your home and it starts raining? Yes, most people relate to this situation during monsoons. You get completely drenched and as you are in your all time favourite denims, moving around with that wet pair gets all the more difficult. The fabric of the denims gets heavy once it is wet and takes ages to dry. The worst part is that the day has just started and you have to spend the entire day wearing those denims. The next thought that comes to your mind is that how you wish you had worn shorts or trousers that day. Hence wearing denims on a rainy day is a big no-no. This is one of the most common fashion mistakes men make during monsoons. You need to be careful before you choose your outfits during this season as the wrong choice could end up making you feel uncomfortable all day.

Monsoon is here and so you need to be prepared to face heavy and light showers anytime during the day. Monsoon fashion means being careful about what you pick and yet looking stylish. The trick is to wear the right colours and trends that suit the season. If you are amongst those who don’t think twice before choosing outfits during monsoon, here is a short guide of fashion mistakes to avoid during monsoon season.


Drenched denims- You are not a movie star!
Girls may find Shahrukh Khan smoking hot in this song but you won’t look that hot with your drenched pair of jeans on a rainy day. Your jeans will start getting heavy and drop down when it gets wet, thanks to the fabric! Movie stars look perfect with all the possible photoshop tricks. You will not have that benefit. You may end up exposing the unwanted areas of your body. You will have to pull up your denims time and again which is not a pleasant sight. Instead of denims, you can go for trousers and chinos. The fabric in these outfits is extremely light and thin. The best part about chinos and trousers is that they dry pretty fast. On casual outings, you can wear a pair of smart shorts. Even 3/4ths are okay as they will not touch the ground.

Flip-flops? NO!
Don’t even think of moving out with those noisy flip flops. And also, your leather shoes! Pack them properly and stack them in your closet. You don’t need them now. Wearing flip flops or anything fancy can ruin your image within minutes. There are a lot of monsoon friendly footwear to consider. A pair of sneakers or waterproof boots will do the trick.


No white. You know why
We understand your obsession with crisp white shirts but avoid wearing them during the monsoon season. Not just shirts, don’t wear anything that remotely looks white. White fabrics rank first when it comes to attracting dirt. Stay away from all kinds of whites. It is the best time to play with colours. Monsoon is about bright colours.

Avoid these monsoon fashion mistakes and get ready to look stylish.

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