Monday 26 May 2014

Trousers- Shoes-Socks- Matching Guide

Dressing up is such a simple task but it also gets complicated at times. Getting the simple things right is so annoying. When you are running late, it is the tie that just won’t fit properly or sometimes the cuff button won’t get buttoned properly. Sometimes even such things bother us and we tend to lose patience.
I was invited to a wedding reception last week. I was standing in front of my wardrobe looking for the right combination. That’s when I realised matching trousers with shoes is such a tedious task. Which colours will perfectly match was the big question. I was all set in mind of what clothes I was going to wear- a black shirt, a pair of dark green coloured trousers. I was completely puzzled when it came to wearing the matching shoes and socks along with my attire. I was wondering if I am the only one or do other people also struggle with the selection. This is when I thought of writing this article on how to match your attire with your footwear, more specifically on how to match your trousers with your socks and shoes. Now this could be for any occasion- a business meeting, a family gathering or just regular working hours. This article will put an end to most of your basic fashion dilemmas.

Matching socks with trousers
Let’s start from the first element after you have dressed up. I am sure most people are pretty clear with matching their trousers with shirts. So I will just move ahead and start with socks. The first and foremost rule of matching your socks with your trousers is that your socks should exactly match the colour of your trouser or should be darker than your trousers. For instance, navy blue socks will match with your blue trousers and charcoal grey socks will match with your steel grey trousers. This rule changes when it comes to brown. The colour brown includes all your khaki, beige and tans. In this scenario, your socks should be a shade darker than your shoes. If you are planning to wear a strip or checkered socks, avoid picking a print that is too loud. Match the base colour of your sock with the trousers.

Matching shoes with trousers
In a regular scenario, your shoes and your pair of trousers will be visible. The only time people can see your socks is when you are seated. Matching your shoes with the trousers and not vice versa is the right thing to do. Here are some common colour combinations to help you out. A pair of blue trousers will match well with both black and brown shoes. And the same logic is applied for the pair of grey trousers. With a pair of brown trousers, it is much easier; you can stick to brown shoes and nothing else. Black trousers go well with black shoes or even tan shoes for a bolder look.

Image courtesy: Urbasm

If you are buying a pair of trousers online or shoes for that matter, check the colour and size properly before placing an order. The perfect fit is the first and foremost rule of fashion. No matter how great your combination is, a poor fit can spoil it all. Look for the size chart and order it as per your size. 

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